Monday, August 24, 2009

Shutting it Down

I am head over heels obsessed with "The Rachel Zoe Project," and Season Deux has FINALLY started on Bravo. The formerly contentious duo of Taylor and Brad are back, along with a few more assistants and "interns," which is a Hollywood code word for overworked, often verbally abused human punching bags that do way more than anyone else and do it for free. Can you tell I did this illustrious line of work? Not bitter or anything...

The first episode picks up as the team is preparing for the Golden Globes Awards last January. Like last season, the drama that ensues stems from Taylor's attitude and the whole team's lack of any semblance of organization. What I love most about the show is how spot on it is as to how the styling system works in Hollywood.

I worked as an assistant to an actress for three and a half years, and my absolute favorite and most memorable moments revolved around trips to her stylist (who shall remain nameless, mainly out of fear for my life). This stylist was the batshit craziest broad I have ever encountered, hands down. The studio was always complete anarchy, and if someone wasn't currently being screamed at for something, just give it 30 seconds. It was a total clusterfuck (totally my favorite word ever) of designer clothes, shoes, oddly shaped undergarments, assistants, untrained dogs, dog shit, seamstresses cussing in spanish, phones ringing, cell phones buzzing, delivery guys banging on the gate to get in, insecure actresses in various states of undress.....I could go on. Total sensory overload. I would cower in the corner and pray no one noticed me. Despite that, it's a world unlike any other, and if you grew up watching red carpets on television religiously like I did, it's pretty cool to see how it all comes together.

Come to think of it, I kind of miss that world sometimes. So frivolous and fluffy and completely irrelevant to most people's realities. Glamorous and utterly decadent, which is exactly what I love about fashion and design. Definitely not for the masses. Oh, and the pink reconstructed Chanel that Cameron Diaz ended up wearing to the Globes? Completely bananas. I die.

You can catch all the craziness every Monday on Bravo at 10 ET/7PT.

*Photo Credit: Bravo*


Hiwalks said...

Who's in that photo, because it isn't Rachel Zoe.

Stephanie said...

I thought the exact same first I thought I might have to go pictureless (or maybe a pic of Brad) because, well, only pretty pictures are allowed...