Friday, August 21, 2009

Coming Soon: NINE

So fall is nearly here, and with it comes the relevant film season for those with tastes not matching that of a 12-year-old boy. Seriously, if I see one more G.I. Joe trailer with Kid Rock's "American Badass" in the background, I might scream. So I thought I would post a little teaser to my most eagerly anticipated fall release, Rob Marshall's Nine.

The cast includes a few of my favorites, including my current girl-crush Marion Cotillard and the lovely Penelope Cruz. It also happens to star half of my ultimate celeb fantasy exacta, Daniel Day Lewis (in case you were wondering, the other half is Johnny Depp, who, in my opinion, should be required to wear a 3 piece suit at all times à la Public Enemies.)

Daniel does it for me in a big way. Even as Bill the Butcher. No joke.

Based on Federico Fellini's 1963 stunner 8 1/2, the story revolves around an Italian film director searching for inspiration for his latest project amid the chaos that is his love life. The orginal is simply spectacular in every way....

Nine opens on November 25th.

*I apologize for the rather disturbing Fergie screen cap above....I tried everything I could but I couldn't change it. Since we're on the topic....Fergie? Really? I don't mean to be a snob here but we have Marion, Penelope, Daniel, Nicole Kidman, Judi Dench, Kate Hudson, SOPHIA LOREN and.....Fergie? Something just doesn't seem to fit.*

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ummm I could not agree more about he casting of Fergie! Maybe she'll knock our socks off.....doubtful.